Seven reasons why we should read our little Heroes!
Seven reasons why we should read our little Heroes!

Seven reasons why we should read our little Heroes!

Seven reasons why we should read our little Heroes!

Babies and young children are like sponges that soak in practically everything in their environments. It’s true! 

Even during storytime, their minds are at work, taking in all the language they hear and the lessons the characters learn.

  1. Reading books improves a child’s vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed language skills.
  2. Reading books improves concentration.
  3. Reading books develops a child’s imagination.
  4. Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind.
  5. Children who read do better at school.
  6. Reading books helps kids develop empathy. Our little Hero is identifying with the character in the story.
  7. Reading books is a great form of entertainment.

Reading to your little Hero is one of the most successful ways of instilling a love of reading in them. Start today!

Why not you can surprise your children with a personalized book ( where they are the HEROES of the story! Their photo will appear on each page of the book.

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