Let’s have fun while we are improving our memory skills!
Can you imagine your little Heroes’ faces light up when they see themselves on the memory cards?
Photos of the players faces will appear printed on the cards.
Enjoy the best moments with your Hero family finding out about the typical places in Dubai.
This game is fun for Hero families and is a great way to improve memory skills. The trick is to remember which cards are where. The objective is to collect the most pairs of cards.
"Once upon a time, there was a
faraway country called Heroland,
where all the children were Heroes
in their own stories.
One day in Heroland, an evil witch stole the children’s memories.
Can you please help them to break the curse?
To break the curse, you need to Â
collect pairs of cards. Â
The trick is to remember which cards are where."
Have a look at Heroland Dubai Memory Game – I'm a Hero (imaherobooks.com)